Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I understand the coffee stains now

Back in college, my friends and I would often complain and laugh about TA's who returned our essays with coffee and food stains on them. We would speculate on what they were doing with our essays, and why they always came back dirty.

Today, I finally experienced it from the other end. I was reading some of my students' homework during dinner, when I splashed brown vinegar on one student's paper. Trying to multi-task, I was eating jiaozi (dumplings) while grading. One dumpling slipped from my chopsticks and fell into the little dish of red wine vinegar, causing a big splash all over a student's paper. I quickly wiped it up, but, like the coffee stains on our papers in college, they'll remain for the student to speculate what his teacher was doing to his work.

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