Saturday, November 22, 2008

It's a small town after all.

I taught at my part-time job today, and at the end of my last adult oral English class, one of the students asked me if I taught at TUFE. I was surprised b/c I don't know him and I didn't tell my students which university I teach. I said yes, and he asked me if I know this guy Tang Tao, I was like, wow, I do, actually. It turns out this student of mine goes to TUFE and is a 3rd year Finance major just like my friend Tang Tao; they're classmates. But still, I was puzzled how he could know that I know Tang Tao. This student told me that he saw my photo on the internet! I was a little shocked and worried at first, but it seems he saw a group photo from our trip to Fragrant Mountain last month, which either Tang Tao or one of the other girls had posted on some blog or facebook-like site. So he recognized me. Still, it just shows that I have to be on my best behavior, I never know when someone I know or who knows someone I know will recognize me. My, it was bound to happen...I teach at so many places throughout Tianjin.

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