I saw in CCTV news reports today that Hu Jintao visited Tianjin supermarkets today and drank milk to reassure consumers and demonstrate the safety of the milk. Yet when I read American news reports, we hear a completely different story. More and more countries are banning Chinese dairy products and more food items have been found to contain melamine.
As the Washington Post reports, melamine wasn't the first chemical to be added to milk to boost protein levels. Before, it was urea, a component derived from urine. Yum. And even if they don't dilute and add stuff to cheat the tests, the cows are already loaded with antibiotics and stimulants that will induce them to produce more milk. So rest assured consumers, there's no melamine, only antibiotics, growth hormones and stimulants.
I almost wonder if I should go vegetarian here in China.
aren't the cows in america loaded with antibiotics, hormones, and stimulants too? not to mention a ton of the other meat/produce that we eat. granted, there are those "no rBGH" labels, so not all milk comes from hormone-treated cows, but i'm pretty sure there are a ton of not so good chemicals in our food in america, too. yes, no, maybe so?
maybe going vegetarian isn't a bad idea...both here AND in the states, if you're worried about that stuff. or, you could farm and raise cows, pigs, and chickens. maybe they could keep the plants in your bathroom company. :)
whoops, this is marilyn :P
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